Thursday, May 07, 2009

Works of the trench at Avenida das Torres block stretch of Rui Barbosa

Since Monday, May 11, locked the words of Avenida Rui Barbosa between Avenida Rocha Pombo Street and Rio Grande do Norte for a period that may last 18 months, while performing the works of construction of the trench on the Avenue of Torres. Drivers should use alternative routes to Central / Afonso Pena, the streets Avenida Rocha Pombo through Rua Castro Alves. To return the neighborhood Afonso Pena, the driver may opt for street Israel Andrade Pereira and follow through Rua Joaquim Nabuco. The Demutran recommends that drivers use alternative routes, especially in peak hours, from 7am to 9am and from 17h to 19h.

What trench out first?

What is your note to the municipal administration in 2009?